Hospital For Souls

I had not expected to wear this dress at all, even though I've had it for ages. It has been in the back of my closet for the longest time, and yesterday I decided that it would be nice to wear it. I coupled it with the harness that I had made the night before, and boom I was a "witch" yet again. Pair that with the widest brim hat I could find and the broomstick jokes rolled in. I wasn't annoyed by the comments per se, I was just tired of hearing so many of them. Like a joke is funny until you hear it repeatedly. All in all though I'm pretty freaking proud of myself, I mean my outfit was beautiful and my makeup was good. To top it off the whole day I was actually confident in it, this may not be big to some but to me this means a lot. Confidence isn't something I have at all really, I've got zero confidence in myself as well as no confidence in my own work. So to have a semblance of  confidence is a great thing, also I pushed through my doubt and stuck out the whole day being moderately happy. These few weeks have been really stressful, so having a relaxing day is a blessing to me. Especially at this point and time in my life, things are transitioning from things being done for me to me doing things for myself. From childhood to adulthood. 
It's really weird to say, but I'm happy to be growing up and taking care of things on my own. It's more stressful being an adult, but it's fun? I mean I control all that I do, I watch over everything for myself and I can pursue anything I choose. As I'm growing I am seeing joy in the little things, just taking one day at a time and going at my own pace.

This harness is for sale up in my shop, so please check it out.


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