Coming Fall

I have been recently feeling like I've been absent from my posts.
Yes, I do put little talking exerts at the beginning of a post but I haven't been really talking.
I've been on auto pilot I guess, and it's frustrating.
I want to share with you guys, I want to grow with you guys and I haven't been doing that.
I started this blog to grow my confidence and to help people with mental illnesses close to mine.
I wanted to help and show that no matter what your mental state is at you can know that you don't have to sacrifice things you like, whether it be fashion or something else.
To know that having a mental illness shouldn't be something that holds you back, it in fact can be a better motivation to grow as a person.
Unfortunately, I feel like I've failed to teach what I've learned through experience.
So I will be taking it all the way back to my first few blog posts, they hold more worth to me than any of my recent ones.
I'll see you guys next Friday with a post that has more to it.
Be safe.

Top : Naked Wardrobe
Jeans : H&M
Boots : Spylovebuy
Purse : American Eagle
Jacket : Hottopic (sold out)


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